We care for new pets (NAC) whether they are furry (rabbits, rodents, ferrets, etc.), feathered (barnyard birds, parrots, sparrows, etc.), or scaly (turtles, lizards, snakes, etc.) and even more exotic (invertebrates, amphibians, etc.).
Rodents & Rabbits

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Rabbits and Rodents

Annual health examination This ensures the good health of your little companion. Different check points are carried out: - weight and diet check - dental inspection which can sometimes require flash anesthesia, - ear examination, abdominal palpation, ausculation - check of the perianal area. Vaccination The two diseases that can be vaccinated in rabbits are Myxomatosis and hemorrhagic disease. These are two diseases that are transmitted by biting insects and for which there is no treatment. Dental conditions (malocclusion, abscess) All rabbits, guinea pigs and chinchillas have continuously growing teeth so they must wear their teeth continuously. When there is a lack of dental wear, they can develop a malocclusion, the signs of which can be salivation, a lack of appetite or even anorexia as well as a reduction in the daily production of droppings. Treatment requires general gas anesthesia and sometimes x-ray examinations. Filing is a common operation which takes a few minutes, in the most extreme cases surgical extraction is the only option for infected teeth which helps avoid abscess complications. In order to limit dental problems, small rodents should be fed correctly, in particular by giving them hay every day as well as a food containing at least 20% cellulose. Here you have the daily ration calculator for rabbits. Stoppage of intestinal transit: A medical emergency Every day your rabbit or guinea pig must pass droppings. When their quantity decreases or when they become very small and dry, it is undoubtedly a slowdown in intestinal transit, or even a cessation. A rabbit that has not eaten for more than 12 hours becomes a life-threatening emergency. Therapeutic treatment depends on the general condition of your animal but hospitalization of 2 to 5 days may be necessary for rehydration, treatment for pain, medicinal stimulation of transit and most of the time refeeding. by force-feeding. In the event of occlusion, the vital prognosis is always in the short term; surgical intervention is in this case an absolute emergency. Specific foods can help rabbits with problems with slow digestive transit. For more information contact us. Management of urinary tract conditions Domestic rabbits present a wide variety of urinary tract conditions and among them, the development of calcium micro-crystals which will result in the presence of bladder "sand" which can sometimes lead to to the emission of a real urinary sludge. This elimination has repercussions on the general condition of the animal, through irritation of the bladder mucosa, the urethra and the skin of the perineum as well as the legs (pain, inflammation). Cystitis and secondary bacterial infections can cause incontinence. Sometimes real stones form in the bladder or urethra. Depending on the case, the diagnosis requires radiographic and ultrasound examinations and a blood analysis (PT, urea, creatinine, serum calcium). In severe cases, manual emptying under anesthesia or the placement of a bladder catheter may be necessary for several days in a row. Surgical treatment may become necessary to extract the stones (urethrostomy - cystotomy). Other treatments - Tilted head syndrome: Internal otitis - Encephalitozoonosis - Vestibulitis Eye disorders: Orbital abscess - Uveitis - Ulcers - Lacrimal apparatus - Exophthalmos - Genital disorders: Pseudogestation - Adenocarcinoma of the uterus - sterilization 80% more rabbits 5 years old are victims of uterine or ovarian tumors, sterilization is the only means of prevention.

RABBIT ration calculator

Feeding your rabbit well means providing it with a balanced ration.

To know the precise quantities to give in his daily ration, use our calculator by indicating the precise weight of your animal.

*formulas are based on veterinary and scientific data.


Annual health examination For a ferret, one year of life corresponds to approximately 8 human years, which is why it is recommended to have an annual health examination until the age of 4-5 years and twice a year once exceeded this age. Ferrets are vaccinated against distemper and possibly rabies for the same legal reasons as other domestic carnivores. From the age of 4 we offer senior assessments (blood test, abdominal ultrasound, echo-cardiography). Main conditions treated in ferrets The pet ferret can live in total freedom if its environment is adapted to avoid domestic accidents. In all cases, it must be dewormed at the same time as the other animals in the house. Deworming is important, especially in ferrets (coccidiosis). The main diseases in ferrets are insulinoma, adrenal disease, lymphoma and heart disease. New viral digestive pathologies are emerging, such as certain coronaviruses, among others, so the diagnosis is complex. Surgical sterilization in ferrets is a major factor in promoting adrenal disease, so chemical sterilization with a deslorelin implant is recommended in both males and females. Nutrition Advice The majority of ferrets have an inadequate food ration, particularly contributing to chronic gastritis and insulinoma. Different types of food are possible for ferrets (household, prey, kibble). Whatever the choices, their food must be of animal origin and of high biological value. Their digestive tract being very short, they must be able to benefit from approximately 9 to 10 meals per day. They know how to regulate their appetite very well, so distribution at will is possible. Conversely, distribution in 2 or 3 meals is not recommended. Feeding kibble is very practical, however you must reserve high quality “ferret” or “kitten” kibble for them. A diet based on whole prey (1 day old chicks, mice, quails) consumed in its entirety recreates the consumption of the wild animal. It is complete. Feed based on poultry or BARF* type carcasses requires appropriate vitamin supplementation and requires impeccable storage conditions. We offer supplements for this purpose in our store. For more nutritional advice, contact us or make an appointment directly. *Organic Appropriate Row Food


The Purchase Visit Examination is recommended within 3 days of purchase. Quarantine is essential! If you have other birds, the new arrival must be isolated for at least 6 weeks after the date of purchase and if possible not under the same roof. Some viruses can be transmitted from room to room through air movement and ventilation. Health Examination A regular medical examination is often the only way to detect a health problem in a bird, as it is a champion at masking the symptoms of illness. His weight loss is hidden by his plumage and when he shows changes in his behavior, in the tones of his voice or when he exhibits rapid and jerky breathing this means that he is already in a worrying situation! Main conditions in birds RESPIRATORY A bird can become voiceless (inability to make sounds), make a whirring noise, have jerky respiratory movements or even remain with the beak remaining open. These signs should alert you and you should contact us urgently. It can be fungal disease (aspergillosis), chlamydia, liver disease (lipidosis). These respiratory symptoms are also observed during hypovitaminosis A or during disorders of the reproductive system (e.g. egg retention) or kidneys. DIGESTIVE CONDITIONS Digestive disorders may initially appear benign. They are accompanied by a loss of appetite, ingestion that seems painful, weight loss, diarrhea. The causes can be diverse: Internal parasites: capillariasis, ascariasis, heterakidosis, coccidiosis...Yeasts: MegabacteriosisFungal: candidiasisViral: Bornavirus called PDD or Proventriculus Dilation Syndrome AFFECTIONS OF THE LEGS, BEAK AND FEATHERS Different causes may be The origin of lameness or difficulty gripping the perch in caged birds. It is necessary to carefully examine the foot extremities (are there horn growths, are the joints swollen, are the movements normal, are the claws worn?) this is especially to determine if there are other associated general signs. Indeed, the causes can be parasitic, bacterial, deficient (calcium vit D, iodine), toxic, tumoral or viral. Other signs may affect the feathers and beak with or without pecking manifestations. The causes are multiple: Mites: red lice, gray lice, scabiesAvitaminosis A: excess oilseeds - hepatic lipidosisInternal parasites: Giardiosis in callopsites and budgerigars, but also worms by the spoliating actionFungal, bacterial dermatitisViral dermatitis: Avian pox in Amazon and pione canary, Polyomavirus (BFD), PBFD To establish a diagnosis, it is necessary to rely mainly on medical imaging (radiography, ultrasound) and blood and biological samples which we have at our office.


We respond to classic and familiar pathological situations such as:

    Consultation on the design of a terrarium adapted to the species considered. Feeding and maintenance advice, etc. Consultation before entering hibernation and after emerging from hibernation for terrestrial and aquatic turtles. Health exams and additional exams: stool tests, blood tests, x-rays.

    Main pathologies treated

Turtles: accidents and trauma to the shell leading to its repair, cold abscess of the middle ear, mycosis of the scales, viral rhinitis and conjuntivitis, osteodystrophy of the shell, parasitism, egg retention, hibernation disorders.

Snakes: moulting disorders, persistence of the contact lens, anorexia, abscesses, burns.

Lizards: anorexia, tongue disease, egg retention.

    Disease Prevention in Reptiles

In the animal world, reptiles are the creatures most linked to their living environment. Their body temperature varies depending on the temperature of the external environment. Their health is therefore strongly linked to fluctuations in their environment.

Each species evolves in an ecological niche which provides it with a specific gradient of temperature and humidity.

Particular attention should be paid to heat sources, water and adequate food. The difficulty of maintaining them in captivity brings into play all these very important notions of biology necessary for their proper development.

Poor control of detention conditions favors the appearance of

numerous pathologies, from which reptiles do not suffer in the natural environment. This is why it is essential to know and reproduce this natural environment with precision and control.

    Prepare your visit well in advance

You can download the questionnaire and send it to us by email before your appointment.

We recommend that you transport your reptile in a closed box or bag and keep it warm using a hot water bottle at around 30°C.


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